I've found the Fibro Log that TinaL mentioned at http://www.theacpa.org/ to be helpful. And the WEMSI pain chart referenced in the Fibro 101 thread at www.wemsi.org/painscale.html really helps me to quantify my pain.
One thing the log is lacking though is an area for comments. I'm still new to this and trying to figure out how much is too much for me to do on any given day. I seem to be crossing that line almost every "good" day I have, so I'm going through a 4-5 day cycle of a good day, then several days of flare up. I wanted to have a way to track what I've done (or eaten since I also have IBS) that could contribute to my flare ups.
So I took the categories in that ACPA Fibro log and put them in an Excel spreadsheet and then added some categories to tailor it to my needs. Here's the result if you'd like to try it. And you can tailor it to your own situation.
Or maybe not. I can't figure out how to post the file. So if you'd like a copy, let me know and I'll e-mail it to you.
Moderators, is there a way I can post the file for others to use if they'd like?
Have a blessed day!