Hello, I am right where you are. I don't know how to control the way I am feeling! I have screamed, cried, throw things and had big tantrums. I fought off breast cancer and watch my sister die from it a year before they diagnosed my sister only to deal with fibromyalgia, I just can't wrap my head around it. I also have a great guy who took care of me through the B.C. and is right here with the positive attitude saying I'll get through this. When the pain and depression sets in I can't react because it makes him feel useless. Yes I know where you at on this even family members don't really call because no one wants to hear the old woe is me story.
I lost my job because of this and so during the day I am home alone where I can get a scream and a cry in, but that just feels good for the instant. I was seeing a psychologist because terrible thoughts were coming into my head . Thank God my daughter told me to look on this sight. I don't want to say I feel good others are feeling what I am feeling because it sounds terrible. But at least you can see your not the only one. I have been on here all but 15 minutes and these ladies have sound advise and just reading what they have to say lets me know there is someone out there that feels like me. This is a good place to get it all out. NO shame here just people like you and me.