Welcome to the forum! My heart goes out to you
Karen gave you wonderful advice. Finding out you have a chronic condition is never easy. It does take time to adjust. We all go through our own personal grieving for the loss of good health. Feeling angry or sad is common in the beginning. Taking one day at a time, and doing things you enjoy does help. Slowly but surely you realize your life isn't the same as before but you can still be happy. The power of our minds is truly strong. If you believe you have some control over fibro, it does help you to function better.
I found if I took time to walk on a daily basis, I felt better emotionally and physically. Taking time to meditate and do deep breathing exercise helps me too...the act of relieving stress helps with my pain. Doing things that benefit the way I feel make me feel more hopeful. Stay connected with your friends, take time to laugh. Find ways to distract pain by doing things you enjoy. Accepting fibro is a process...believe in yourself.
We are all here for you and we understand. Keep posting, we care
hugs, Robin