Shanzmac - yes, it is a wild ride! There's always something new to contend with....especially in the beginning. It will calm down some, you'll find the new normal. But of course, it will never become totally predictable. I know sometimes I can lift a certain object and it's ok, and other times, it will set off a chain reaction of pain and fatigue. Not Fair!
Mrsbugzy, yes, I do drive every day. I actually never felt that my driving was impaired, even when taking twice as much Hydrocodone as I do now, plus the Gabapentin. Weird, huh? I absolutely love driving, because it's one thing I can do that doesn't hurt. It relaxes me. (That would be scary to not remember your drive!) The kind of spaciness I have is mostly organizational - where I put things, where TO put bills
- and keeping my mind on one thing long enough to accomplish something. I've always been this way, but now it's X 10!