Posted Yesterday 4:58 AM (GMT 0)
@circe.. I've always been sensitive to all alcohol, but some more than others. Since having FM, though, it seems I can't have anything. A friend bought me something with tequila, I had one sip and my FM cog- issues were amplified by 10.
But before then, I've always gotten headaches from even just a few sips from most types of drinks: coolers, beer, mixed drinks, etc.
I wonder if I have something like "asian flush" (even though I'm Caucasian) People with A.F. can't even get drunk, because their body processes it differently and its very toxic to them. I never even get buzzed on alcohol, just headache and extremely fatigued. I always think, "why is this supposed to be enjoyable?"
EXCEPT for one day when a family I baby sat for gave me a really expensive, natural wine. I only felt good, and not sick. That's the one rare exception. I don't know.