Tonite I was going drive over to a friend's house to have my hair colored. I don't see well driving in the dark but I thought she is only 5 minutes away so I'll be fine. So my driveway is lined with trees on both sides and I proceed to back out. When I looked forward the car looked straight and centered. Wrong. I back right into a tree shattering the back window. I was so upset. I am starting to feel like I am losing it. I just can't seem to do things right. So then I come in the house. No hair coloring tonite. Going to thanksgiving dinner with grey hair. I go to the cubbard to pull out muffin mix you know comfort food and when I reach up to grab the box, two shot glasses that I didn't even know we're in there drop out and crash onto the oven and floor. Now I am two for two. My loving husband wasn't mad, said accidents happen. But we only have minimal insurance so no coverage on this window. Hubby has been so kind and understanding I told him I am glad the aliens captured my husband and left me this new one. Happy Thanksgiving everybody.
Sawa, I gave you a subject line so you'd get more responses. - Debbie
Post Edited By Moderator (Acheybody) : 11/27/2013 11:12:06 PM (GMT-7)