Wow! Thanks for the comments, Rockon!
Sometimes when the hives and itching are very bad, I take one or two benadryls (the pills). It sometimes helps, sometimes not. Sometimes it helps with the itching, but the hives can stick around for 3-5 days! Lately I have been getting them very badly on my neck. I know I'm very sensitive to a lot... my bf bought me hypoallergenic laundry detergent and all that jazz, but I'm not sure that's all of the issue (although certain laundry detergents do not help my allergy situation). Interesting about
the mass cells, Rockon...
According to a chiropractor I have been seeing (who looks more at the "big picture" as opposed to separate symptoms), he suspects very strongly in me that I have a leaky gut (leaky gut syndrome). He believes this is where all of my problems stem from, and if I were to fix my gut issues, all of my other symptoms would go away within 6 months, he says. I, too, suspected leaky gut years ago after reading it in a medical journal (I have very severe gastro issues on top of everything else)... but it's just hard because I never knew where to "start" on fixing it. Well, he's suggested using oil of oregano everyday along with taking probiotics. My bf and I figured we'd give it a shot... we bought both of them... but we will wait until Wednesday (the next time I see doc) to ask about
specific instructions on how to take them together. But we're going to try that out for me, see if it helps at all.