Posted 4/18/2014 10:43 PM (GMT 0)
I am very disturbed that drs will write a RX for Cymbalta, & other non addictive drugs. Then when it comes to side effects or weening off Cymbalta, drs do not seem to offer any program or support system or offer other drugs designed to replace or lesson the effects of reducing Cymbalta .
Other drugs not classified as addictive NSAIDS or IMMUNE SUPPRESSIVE drugs can be serious health threats. Yet addictive pain meds are classified as harmful and addictive. Helps pain but substituted by Cymbalta. Is it then decided a better solution than pain meds.
One is just as harmful as the other. Or one can be more helpful than the others. It's all sad that classifications of drugs effect the patients.
Changing the dosage or just tapering off, to help give the patient in transition assures that the adjusted dosage will be easier and offer pain relief if appropriate support is in the mix.
Even for those addicted to drugs, many centers offer other drugs to tapper off without serious side effects. It's a double edge sword. Illness requires a drug for control of the illness, in this case Cymbalta...
No replacement support is offered if the prescribed drug needs to be stopped, for various reasons. We suffer withdrawal with little to no support.
Maybe we need to ask the medical community why there is little to no support when RX DRUGS FAIL US. Maybe there needs to be centers designed to help patients ween off drugs prescribed ( not pain meds), that cause other illness' , allergic reactions & withdrawal. Maybe we need to report the side effects suffered to the FDA for better quality control.
I really do not think anyone deserves or expected that suffering the consequences of withdrawal from these drugs designed to help us, would ever be so painful.
Hope u are all better real soon.