That sounds so exciting for you!! My niece lives in Norway, so I know how excited she gets when the sun 'comes' out. lol
I also love to garden. All winter I plan out my garden on graph paper. I have my 'bones' - roses, azaleas, rhododendrons, hydrangeas, heucheras, daylilies, geraniums, echinaceas - love the 'hot' colors , mountain pinks, dianthus, aquilegias, and HOSTAS - I do love them lol, etc. I started a moss garden last yr. I used to have a lot of shade in my yd, but we have lost a lot of our trees. I'm down to 1 - a beautiful weeping cherry. The past few yrs, I have tried to stay w/ mostly flowers in pots. I love pansies, petunias, snapdragons, morning glories, etc
I picked up several of the plants to pot a few wks ago, then had to cover them for days - we had snow just before Easter and the temps stayed below freezing. We just had a miserable rain storm yesterday - cold, raw & about 4 in. of rain. Today we were almost to 80 degrees! Good grief!!
I do buy some plants in pots, but I also like to grow some from seed. I can get some colors they don't sell in pots around here. I also have a large assortment of house plants that go out for the summer. I generally put them out on Memorial Day wkend. My younger son built a plant stand for me yrs ago, so I put my potted herbs & some flowers on that.
I also grow some veggies. I used to turn my small backyd into a farm w/ potatoes, corn, and the usual suspects. Now I just pot up some tomatoes, peppers, & some herbs. I'm not able to get down into the dirt, so I use a rolling cart.
I'm not able to garden like I did all my life, so I have had to make adjustments. I'm not ready to give up what I love, so I have had to change my methods.
I hope we all have a wonderful summer & enjoy our time in the sun. :)
God bless. Alice.