I noticed that in all my research no other cases seem to combine these two conditions. I only know that I might be one of them. I was diagnosed with a CM in my frontal lobe... its 1.4 cm total as of jan 17, but in june before that it was shown to be only 9mm. after a month out of hospital started experiencing these jabbing spontanious pains... and i was scared but that was then.
Now its all the time, joint pain (with inflamation apearance and stiffness) especially in nees and hands... elbows shoulders. then there are the prolonged ones.. about a minute to 2 long. I have shakyness, muscle spasms, and fatigue. What i thought was no big deal has turned my life upside down. Nobody has the answer for me yet, but i bet science will never understand. I'm worsening, and my doctors are paying more attention to the CM then whats really distroying me. they sent in a referral to see if i can have surgury. im on huge dosages of antisiezure drugs... but i had to beg for a little bottle of pain releaver.
i get the pain even in my rib cage...like right now!!!
nerves are conected to the central system leading back to the brain... why would'nt these two things be connected?
I've noticed that when the pains happen more, i get siezures... and the other way around. SO?
now im getting sharp ones in my left lower abdomen and then puff it hits my ribs agian... and back.. it hurts wrighting this... my joints are screaming...
HELP? do you think I do have both? why is it so hard to get doctors to listen..!! are things things playing together in the same pool?