Hi All,
I know I hear people all the time talking about the strange flu like symptoms, I generally to a degree always feel like that. But I'v noticed this is my 3rd time this year, its so much worse, it doesn't feel like a flare, muscles are not really hurting any worse than usual, I just feel extrememly exhaused, I sleep all day and night, week and my stomach is in knots. I just think its stange in that, I know the general "icky" feeling but this is just unusual. Maybe its just a flare in a different way?? I dont know....
I could not go to work yesterday with it, I sleep all day and night, and then came in for a half day today, if I don't work...I don't get paid, so I am giving it my all.
Does anyone else get this? It's just so strange to me since I usually have a mild flu bug feeling all the time.