Dopamax?? LOL
Yup, shortly after I was dx'd with Lyme, I was having migraines like crazy, and I have a few ER trips, I went to a Neuro and he tried to put me on it. I thought I was in the starting phase of Alzheimer's, I would start talking, then mid way thru a sentence I would lose my thoughts. I would cry and cry...thought I was going crazy. I also noticed I have no emotions when I was taking it. I threw the medication away and so far about 4 years after, I'm back to my old self. Dont' get me wrong, fibro fog still hangs on, but Topamax effected me in such a way, I would not go back on it.
I'm sure some people have great info to share, hopefully my story is not the norm. Are you taking it for migraines??