I have had sleep problems for a long time. I have to say that menopause likely came into play with some of my problems. When I worked I often had whole nights of insomnia but still got up and got through the day. Things progressed. I would go to bed and not be able to shut down my thoughts. My mind kept going and going.
It was my Headache and Pain Relief Doctor who suggested that I try melatonin and 5-HTP. The one thing about
melatonin is that you can stop it anytime and there was no withdrawal symptom. I thought 5-HTP was helping some for pain. I have stopped them both because I am now back on Nortriptyline (an anti-depressant).
I was prescribed Nortriptyline by a Dentist for my jaw pain which she said is Neuralgia. My Headache Doctor had me come off of it and then put me on Lyrica. I was taken off Lyrica due to weight gain. I went back to the same Dentist as my jaw pain is still horrible. The first time she gave me the impression that my pain was not real. This second time she explained that the pain is from Neuralgia, much the same as Fibromyalgia. An added feature that helps is that Nortriptyline gives me a deeper sleep. When I am sick with a virus it does not work as well as it should. If I have moved enough during the day I can sleep through the night. I do sometimes get up once to go to the washroom and can go back to sleep.
I am just suspecting that the problems I had with not shutting my mind down may be a menopausal issue. I have been taking HRT Premarin and another prior. I seem to have a clear mind now that will go to sleep. Stress of course is not good. I do need darkness to go to sleep. I remember one house when I was about
10 that had a street light shinning in the room. I had to fix the curtains to have no light. I now let my Husband go to sleep with the TV and I will watch it for 1/2 hour and get up to turn off the TV. He thinks he needs the TV on but I need it off. I also slip his glasses off. We are finally accepting of this arrangement.
There is a reason for waking up at say 2:00 and 4:00. It is hormonal. One part of your brain wants to sleep but there is a hormone that wants to be awake.
I did go to a sleep lab. It is beneficial to see if you have sleep APNEA. The lab did not go that well for me. An A/C was blowing in my head and kept me from sleeping, not to mention all those wires.
Osteoarthritis in Multiple Joints, Fibromyalgia, Neuralgia, Chronic Daily Headaches, I.B., Hard of Hearing...
Post Edited (Loring) : 1/14/2015 12:14:39 PM (GMT-7)