Hi Raven:
Some symptoms that I also get:
I do have Osteoarthritis and am not sure what % of my pain is from that. I feel like some bones are stuck together and they likely are as spondylitic changes were seen in my neck. I have OA in my lower back and it has given out sometimes. Some of the OA is still mild but my neck is the worst.
I have chronic headaches. Any pain in your head is a headache. Mine are better described as a Cervicogenic headache. They start from the base of my skull, move up the middle of the back of my head and sometimes go into the forehead. I can feel pain at the edge of my forehead, where the hair starts. I have had pain in my eye and have wretched pain above the roof of my mouth and below the nose. My head is often so tight. I did have years ago 2 migraines with aura. I don't get aura with my current headaches.
I do have jaw pain. I sometimes feel like it is dislodging. A Dentist at a Hospital said my jaw pain is from Neuralgia.
I have known for quite some time that my nerves are overly sensitive. I don't like windy days. Stress is really not good but it is hard to be without stress. My Husband can often calm me down and we talk things out. I did work in a job that had tight deadlines and you were under stress because you had to get it done. I never missed a deadline. I thought this wasn't a bad stress as when you are done you can breath again and pat yourself on the back because no one else will.
I have I.B. I am now having more trouble with constipation and it is likely due to Nortriptyline. I was born with stomach problems and most of life I dealt with diarrhea. I thought it was normal. We most of the time had no medical coverage (before I got married). For now, it is working somewhat better. Medications can cause side effects that may involve your stomach. Do let your Doctors know if you have stomach problems. I do think Magnesium supplements have helped my stomach. I use Magnesium Glycinate and Magnesium Calm at bedtime. Others use Magnesium with Malic Acid.
My poor hearing was detected in the 80s at a job that required a physical. It runs in my Family. I can hear sounds but I can't get clarity. I have had 2 MRIs on my head. One for head pain and one to see if there was a physical reason for the hearing loss. Nothing was found. Both MRIs see foci in what matter and one report suggested it is not the same as those seen in MS but similar to those with Migraines.
Feet - I do have foot articulations as seen in a full body bone scan. I had trouble in the past with plantar fasciitis and now use orthotics. I also had a lot of trouble in the past with plantars worts.
Eyesight and Sinus - I need glasses for distance and reading. Use Bifocals. I wake up often with swollen, painful eyes. I thought there was a connection with thick mucous in the morning. I have sinus issues. Use Neil Med and often I am washing out green mucous pieces with blood attached. I had a CT scan done on my sinuses. Have a slight deviated septum. No surgery recommended. They did not see any tumor anywhere.
Have really scary dreams for such a long time. I have woken up my Husband many times due to my dreams. I have some dreams of big bodies of water and I am falling. I've dreamt of my husband and I driving into water and I wake up with my heart pounding. I have dream books. I came to terms with the water. It has something to do with death. I just said I will accept death but do not want to die yet. Those dreams stopped but have had a couple recently. Dream of work often, many people coming to eat and I am trying to cook, always in a different house. When I started a new job I often got up at night, thought I was at work. I have walked in my sleep and the last time I did I had a bad fall. Crazy Fibro dreams.
I forget one minute to the next. Need lists now. I can write and think but speaking doesn't work the same.
Well, I guess we both have Fibromyalgia.
Osteoarthrtis in Multiple Joints, Fibromyalgia, Neuralgia, Chronic Daily Headaches, I.B., Hard of Hearing...
Post Edited (Loring) : 1/28/2015 12:11:44 PM (GMT-7)