Thanks for taking the time to describe your pain, Linda--it sounds a lot like mine. I, too am left-handed, and my worst pain is on the left, but also occurs on the right at times, just like yours--interesting.
The weird thing about my "fibro" pain (if that's what it is) is that it all began a year ago with body-wide swollen lymph glands. I don't read many others here who initially presented with that, so I always wonder if my problem really is fibro. On the flip side, I seem to have so much in common with so many here, that fibro is by far the condition that most closely matches up with my symptoms.
I was already seeing a rheumy, as I've had RA for twenty-six years, but she has not diagnosed me with anything yet, even though I've had symptoms for a year, and she's ordered a battery of blood tests every month. I see her again next week, so I'm going to press her for a just seems like she should have some idea by now...
Regardless, thank you all for your responses--I appreciate it!