Hello everyone,
I am not new to bladder infections, I have had them all of my life (maybe a sign of fibro and I didn't know it) anyway sometimes I get bladder pain and spasms after I urinate. It feels like a bladder infection, but a few times I went to the md and had no infection. I had pain that started last thursday BUT it was only after I had a pretting intense flare. I took an otc uti test today, showed positive for white blood cells but negative for nitrates...so that's iffy, I may try to test again. I have no odor, fever, back pain or any other symptoms of uti.
So my question is, does fibro cause bladder pain that mimmicks an infection? I have read that it can cause bladder irritation. Has anyone had this problem and not have a bladder infection? I may just keep and eye on it, because I only have the pain and spasms.
The thing is, if I told my md fibro can cause bladder irritation he would probably laugh at me. Ya know they don't think fibro can cause that stuff.