Posted 4/6/2015 5:41 PM (GMT 0)
My apologies in advance this is a long post but I am super confused.. A little background about myself, I was diagnosed with Celiac Disease a while ago, for those of you that are not familiar it is an autoimmune disease that triggers when you eat wheat, barley or rhy and attacks your small intestine (where all your nutrient absorption happens). The diagnosis took years to get and then another year to confirm once it was suspected. Anyway, that being said its been a while since this diagnosis and I have it well managed now. I am feeling great in terms of Celiac however as my body healed (It takes an average of about 2 years for Celiac's to fully recover from the damage caused) I noticed other symptoms that are completely unrelated... I will list them out:
*Flu like pain most of the time, mostly in my legs and back varying in severity
*Fatigue, mostly mid day and better with naps
*brain fog (this could be celiac, however it is at the point where it should limited to when i eat the wrong things so this is weird.)
*I wake up stiff and achy, I have to stretch to get moving
*muscle cramps, ,almost like charlie horses for no reason
*difficulty sleeping once to twice a week
*migraines, usually when i have to go into work, the florescent light bothers me pretty bad. This can be triggered by certain smells as well and people just don't get that not dousing yourself in perfume is an option lol
*Rashes that come and go (this could be celiac as well though)
*I cannot handle cold weather at all in any way, it is painful and literally hell
*Tingling sensations in my feet and sometimes hands, this is not often though
*Pain goes up significantly with high stress
*Sensitivity to touch (like when my boyfriend hugs me tight and crushes my ribs or lays his head on my shoulder... it feels sharp and not very good, the pain lasts for a while after the touch as well)
*tenderness in my body
These are just the most common things. So anyway here is where my confusion comes in... I went to see my general care doctor whom I love, she is fantastic. She gave me the touch test, all of my other bloodwork from my recent checkup (my bloodwork is always a massive list due to celiac) was great minus my vitamin b12 which I am taking shots for now. So she gave me the touch test and said "Yep this is fibro". Being as I went through hell for my Celiac diagnosis and I have genes, blood tests, and a biopsy I can look at and know without a doubt I have Celiac this comes as difficult to accept for me... It seems too fast I guess.
So my doctor went through the options of medication with me, I am opting to take a more holistic approach and still researching my options there, she is fully supportive of that. I asked if i should go see a specialist and she said there is no need, she is confident in my diagnosed and she can treat me. My prognosis is good, I do walk a bit and eat healthy due to my Celiac so my pain is mostly well managed and I am apparently doing all the right things to help with this already (Mild excersize, healthy diet, routine for my sleep, etc.). I cant do any strenuous excersize as it puts me down for a while but walking and stretching is ok. So that being said I want to avoid meds at this stage and I wanted to see a specialist anyway just to get a confirmation I guess? Again this feels so... fast.
So I went to see a rheumatologist, we didn't really jive that well. She listened to my symptoms, gave me half of the touch test then told me that it is most likely fibro... So this is where I got confused, she said that even though she doesn't suspect anything and I don't have a history of this, she wanted to rule out depression. I am the most upbeat positive person, I have zero issues with depression and really never have. I asked her if she needed to rule it out depression for a confirmation of fibro and she said no, and there was also no need to come back and see her and just to follow up with my general care doc for treatment for the fibro. Then she tried to shove medication at me saying that I can't survive without it basically. I expressed my want to take a holistic approach first and she got up and walked out, just like that. So, is this normal? Don't you need a specialist to work with you with Fibro? I guess I am just struggling since there is no definitive test... Does this sound like fibro to you all? I am considering getting a third opinion... is this overkill? Would any of you go see a psychologist for the depression thing even if your not depressed? I am just kind of lost...
I am struggling with being at work as well, I work for the government so it is pretty flexible, I just need to file my medical condition and I can work from home more than I do now (I am currently at 2 days a week and limited basis as needed). I would like to move to three days a week so I can manage this with less pain, so I feel like I need something more concrete... Am I just in denial? Would you all accept the two diagnosis as fibro? I feel like the rheumatologist kind of half A**'d my test then dismissed me for not wanting to take medication yet. lol please help... I am sure you all have been here before.