Hi.. I'm new here.. first things first.. I'm a 34 yr old mother of 2 beautiful girls.. married for 9 yrs...
It all started 1 yr ago.. my grandma of which I was very close to passed away and 2 weeks later I got really sick, went to the er and was told it was probably the flu. Well the flu never seemed to go away. I've been to sooo many docs and all say my test are normal and its anxiety. I'm not denying I now have anxiety but I'm pretty sure my symptoms are more then just anxiety. On a daily basis for the past yr I have dizziness.. arm and leg weakness.. muscles feel tight/tense..they feel overworked without doing anything its mainly my legs and arms but also my back and sometimes my chest.. always tired... I feel I'm living in a haze.. can't concentrate .. poor memory.. everything just feels dream like. My life has changed so much in this past yr, it really sucks not being able to do the things I love because I hurt :-( I've seen a rheumatologist about
9 mos ago and was told I do not have fibro. But since then things haven't gotten any better. My mother has fibro and every symptom I tell her I have she has to so I'm just looking to see what you all think... i just really miss the girl i use to be ...thanks so much for listening!
Post Edited (samiaml) : 4/7/2015 6:38:14 PM (GMT-6)