I seem to be really sensitive to weather changes, but generally do much better in warmer, rather than cooler, weather. From late Spring to early Fall are the times of year when I get more done in general, and feel at least half-way normal!
We just got into a very humid air mass, and boy--am I ever dragging! It's hard to concentrate, I have a pressure-like feeling on my head, and feel very spacey and generally 'out of it.' I'm irritated by noises such as the radio, and normally I enjoy it. I just can't seem to accomplish much of anything today. We just got back from buying groceries, and that felt like a marathon, and too much work. I must look 'off' too, because even the checkout girl gave me kind of an odd look.
This is so frustrating because I normally enjoy trying to tackle the everyday jobs, and normally I'm encouraged by doing that and get a sense of satisfaction from jumping the little hurdles I come across, but....today is a doozy!
Does high humidity have this effect on anyone else--does it make you feel totally off course? I think storms might be on the way, too, and wonder if something 'big' is in the air.