Posted 9/23/2017 3:50 PM (GMT 0)
They say the Inuit have a hundred different words for snow....I think there should be a 100+ words for pain.
I think of that plastic wrap pain as if I have bands tight around my limbs, especially my joints (ankles, knees, elbows, wrists).
Then there is skin pain/burning, deep muscle pain & weakness, needles in my joints pain, tight pain (esp. around the neck & shoulders), bruised like pain, pulled muscle like pain, tendon pain, headache pain, sinus pain, jaw pain...all just a little unique.
I am sure I have missed some. I sure wish I had the magic answer to fix it all, or even predict it. First day of fall - winters are long, so many ups & downs and the cold. I wish I could hibernate !
My coping strategies includes stretching daily, eating healthy, hydrating, getting some exercise/movement in there, amitryptiline to sleep a bit better, and getting rest as needed (hardest one I think). Reducing stress is HUGE...maybe that one is hardest !
Getting one's head around the diagnosis is important too. I had a very hard time accepting it because it isn't the result of a specific test.
Best of luck - trial & error will help figure out what works for you, but nothing totally works unfortunately.