Hi GermanGirl1964: So sorry you had to deal with that! One would think we would be well past the time where a doctor (or anyone) would think fibro is "all in your head." Wow!
I would look for a new doctor also, and I hope you find one who is more familiar with fibro.
On a somewhat related note, I think there are two classes of people who come to mind who really don't understand fibro, but think they do. One, of course, is like this doctor. The other is those people who think that if we go to enough doctors, take the right medications, jump through the right "hoops," etc., then VOILA! No more fibro! (Ha, don't we all wish...).
I have a relative who occasionally asks me how I'm feeling. I generally don't comment on that unless asked; I keep my health issues quiet. While it seems innocent enough for her to ask, this person has a 'thing' about
comparing my health issues to hers (and of course, she thinks she has so much more to deal with, though she's never been officially diagnosed with anything at all). That's why I try to say as little as possible, and even change the subject when I can. I try to avoid any friction.
She does sometimes ask me specific questions, so I sometimes get sucked in and try to be helpful, thinking maybe she's sincere this time. I end up feeling a lot like Charlie Brown when Lucy pulls the football away---again.
And it always seems to end up with her telling me that she has the exact same thing (no, not at all, from what she's told me) only much worse, of course, has fibromyalgia (but has never seen a doctor for anything like that at all). She always assures me that oh well, everyone has "something," so basically, no big deal for me to be dealing with fibro and other issues, because hey, after all, there are people with much bigger health problems. That's HER, of course, LOL.
I don't believe she has ever been diagnosed with anything specific, yet she likes to talk about
all her "conditions." Not exactly the sympathetic type of person! I just ignore it and roll my eyes (not while she's around) and say nothing in reply. I'm used to it by now and she pulls this stunt so often that it almost seems like a personality disorder issue, so I just let it slide. It may be at least partially something she can't totally help. But, gosh, it really is odd. Knocking my head against the wall....
Well, at least I now know well how she plays the game (she does have other "issues," too, so I'm pretty much onto her tactics).
But for a doctor to shrug off fibro issues is just unbelievable!!
Best of luck to you and I hope you find a great new doctor!