Last night I woke up with severe stretching, spasms, and some cramping in both my lower legs--on the outer sides just above the ankles and down into the feet. I jumped out of bed and found I couldn't walk comfortably without continued spasms and cramps. It was like the muscles were super tight and stuck!
I tried sitting on the edge of the bed and it did nothing to help. So.....I stood next to the bed, bent over slightly and put my hands on the bed while I walked off the pain. It was not a good night to remember!
I haven't had this often; the last time was well over a year ago. The internal medicine doctor I saw for it said it's a positional thing--evidently my feet get 'stuck' in that position. I have since done daily stretches with my feet, in just about
every direction possible. That has helped somewhat. Since then, I've been careful to keep a big pillow on the bottom part of the bed so my feet will hit that and not flex/stretch so much. This generally has worked pretty well. And yes, I did notice this morning that my pillow hadn't been under the covers and had fallen on the floor---so no barrier for my feet.
I may have posted on this before; not sure. I know the forum has been quite quiet for a while, but maybe someone here has had something similar? I do take my muscle relaxer along with magnesium glycinate right before bed and generally it has helped with several issues. I also drink lots of water and cut off about
an hour before bed. But this odd thing seems kind of unique. Has anyone ever had this or something similar? I think the worst part was that I couldn't walk or stand without support--evidently the nerves got too wacky! It was like the muscles were locked. My muscles can do that occasionally in other areas, but I really especially hate this happening at night.
I ended up later hobbling to the couch and sitting there the rest of the night. I'm sleepy today from losing sleep and feel a bit stressed, though as the day goes on, it's a little better. I'm moving around like usual, but muscles everywhere are a little tighter than usual. I should mention that a strong cold front came through last night---probably did not help!
Thanks for any input, suggestions, etc.