Hi, again, Anonymouse! I welcomed you in another post. You will find a wonderful group of people here that have excellent ideas and advice to help you move around your pain and continue living the good life.
It is important to keep moving with fibro. I'm sure you've found out that you become stiff as a board if you sit or lay too long. In the Fibro 101 thread there is a link to Great Stretching Exercises. These really do help a lot and are done sitting down. It's really great for people that have a desk job. I don't but I still do these exercises and, actually, have devised a few of my own. It helps keep those muscles flexible.
Also, you need to pace yourself when you do things. You just can't do things the way you used to or you will pay with more pain. I take many breaks when doing anything that is hard for me. Yesterday I mopped my miles of tile...which I hate to do, by the way. I took four breaks when doing it. I got it done, maybe not in a timely fashion, but it is done and I'm patting myself on the back today. I'll even walk barefoot!
I do think you have accepted your illness so don't stress about it. That makes the pain worse. You ARE normal...for you! Everyone is so different and handle things so differently. I'm sure you are doing just fine. You may not be able to keep up with the "Joneses" but there are the "Smiths" out there that can't keep up with YOU! Relax, do things in a manner that will not bring you pain. If something is too difficult, ask for help. Things will get done...eventually. I have a sign in my kitchen that says, "If you've come to see me, Welcome! If you've come to see my home, Make an appointment." That's exactly how I feel.
The bottom line is, stick with us and we'll give you ideas on how to work around your pain and do the things you want to do. Life will continue to be good.