I saw your post and joined the forum so I could respond to your concern.
I have had fibro and chronic fatigue for about 23 years. I am pregnant with my 4th child. This pregnancy I have no pain.
With some of my other pregnancies I suffered some pain and discomfort. What some others have posted is good advice.
I am 45 years old and have found an asian herb and fruit beverage that may have cured me. I have taken it for over a year.
My lab results for fibromyalgia are greatly improved. This has never happened to me before. I have not had any pain for a year.
I have stopped taking any medications for sleep and haven't had any problems sleeping. While I am pregnant I usually have
problems sleeping. I was concerned when I first found out I was pregnant again that my sleep would suffer. Happily, it hasn't.
I have only fatigue from my pregnancy. This is normal. I checked with my doctor about taking Goyin while pregnant and he
saw nothing in it that is harmful. I did research also, everything in it is safe, according to my research. It also provides
nutrients and vitamins that I can easily absorb, and that I can't guarantee through my diet.
Follow the advice of your doctor and the responses you feel good about on this site. Try to enjoy this time.
If you want to read more about what I found that has worked wonders for me go to www.mygoyin.com/live. If you don't want
to try it now then maybe in the future.
Enjoy this wonderful time!!