I've lost a few symptoms over the last week or two, but gained a few. I think I'm developing IBS. This is something that has been causing me a little bit of grief, but has definately worsened now. My 'fibro fog' has lifted, yeah! Well, it's much better at least (wait for it!) and I'm not so dizzy (or is that ditsy?)anymore, adn no more vertigo. The pain has also definately lessened, especially in the cheeks. It's back to the annoying 'pinching' on the cheek bones. Even my legs feel better, and the knot at the back of the head. And I can see again! I did some digi-scrapping yesterday, it was so nice; I was having a hard time at the computer. But I am more fatigued now. I feel great in the mornigns, but by after lunch I need a break. If I rest I'm not too bad for dinner and the evening, but if I don't, I'm a write-off by dinner time, and then the ache sets back in the back and legs. Also have a lot more numbness in the legs and arms/hands.
This one is really weird. I get muscle cramps in my right calf, for the last 3 days now. It happens at least a dozen times a day, but only for a few seconds. Anyone else get this? It happens when I sit, walk or stand, don't matter. Anyway, my next appointment is Thursday. I made a list of all the symptoms I have had since this whoel nonsense started, no matter how trivial, and highlighted new ones since my last visit. He can sort it all out, it's his job. On this list, should I also write past history? I've had carpel tunnel, and was also diagnosed with Meniere's decease in my early 20's that went into remission. When I mentioned this to one doctor, they said Meniere's doesn't go in remission. Should I also include my symptoms of 3 years ago? I don't want to put too much on there that he won't read it. Last question, since a fibro dx has to exclude all other conditions, why doesn't my doctor just order an MRI? Dh thinks I should request one, but I don't feel comfortable doing that. But it would be nice to finally put MS to rest. And he mentioned that I may have degenerative disc decease (I can not spell that word!) so an MRI would also show that, right?
ok, so I said the fibro fog had lifted? Oh yes, it's much better, but I'm having a hard time with potatoes. With the kids gone this week, we haven't done our big grocery order, but I would get a few things when I went to town. I got potatoes one day, forgot I got them, and got another 10 lb bag next time I went. So today I started to make a potato salad for supper, forgot I had the pot on to boil, and made mush. Good thing I have lots of potatoes! lol. And tell me if this line of thinking makes sense? I went strawberry picking this morning, but they were closed for the season... already!?!?!? So I was mad I wasted an hour of my time doing nothing. So I stripped all the kids' beds to wash and hang out for them to have fresh sheets when they come home tomorrow. But I also had to cut the grass today, so I had to take down the sheets, then hang them back up. I really didn't need the extra work! It made sense at the time