First of all, I am not a doctor, but I do consider myself someone who knows a lot about different pain meds. Did your rheumy happen to mention to you that the Ultram may reverse the effects of your Percocet? Ultram is an antagonist/agonist-which can counter effect the Percocet (which is a true agonist). What I am trying to say in my typical babbling way is that the Ultram may cause your Percocet not to work. Again, I am not a doctor, just a person who speaks from experience. I also know that Ultram affects people differently. When I used to take Ultram, I would get that high, euphoric feeling. Other people have told me that they don't get that feeling at all. I think that is why docs are Rxing a lot of Ultram-because they think that it is less addicting.
I'm only suggesting this because I am a recovering addict, and I have had doctors try to Rx Ultram for me-when it clearly states that Ultram and Methadone do not mix. If I took Ultram, not only could I go into severe withdrawals, I could die. Obviously, I am a "special case" when it comes to narcotics, but after 2 different doctors tried to Rx me a potentially life threatening drug (life threatening to me), I made sure that I always do my homework when it comes to any new drug that I am Rxd. I am always amazed when I see that people are on both Ultram and Percocet or Ultram and fentanyl patches. Do these doctors know what they are doing?
Anyway, I'll repeat myself again and tell you that I don't know everything. I just know my own body and when the facts are there in balck and white, it's hard for me not to speak up. I hope I haven't scared you or confused you any further. I just wanted to give you a "heads up" on things.
I suggest you do some research and talk to you doc about it the next time you see her. Just my opinion, but since you are a part of our fibro family, I want you to be safe.