Thanks for your "nurse advice." I think my mom has a problem accepting my problem because she's in denial (she doesn't want to think of her baby actually being sick), she feels guilty (I've been the kid that has been written off as crazy for the past 20 years), and maybe she doesn't believe it exists-which is unbelievable considering my sister (who is also a nurse) also has fibro-but she seems to manage well. BTW-I'm also in lupus limbo. It doesn't help that I also have a medical background-I've been a vet tech for over 17 years. A lot of people don't think that veterinary medicine is that complicated, but actually, there is a fine line between human and veterinary medicine. Basically, what I mean is that I'm not a medical moron just because I work with animals. I do have an Associates Degree and a license. I hope that makes sense. BTW-I'm not trying to say that you think any of these things about me, I'm just talking in general. Again, I don't know if that makes sense. And so begins my babble...LOL
Both my mom and I are very stubborn, and I have tried so hard to make her understand-even telling her point blank how I am feeling. Of course, I get the "I know-I'm a terrible mother," and "I know you don't believe me, but I do care," kind of responses. In the past, I would totally play into her games, but I refuse to dance that dance with her, anymore. All I want her to do is to tell me that she believes me, and she's willing to learn about what I'm going through. I think that's what bothers me the most-I feel like my feelings are being dismissed by my own mother.
I just want to move home, and I can't do it until I get both the money (which she promised to pay for since I'm on disability), and the help, because there is no way I can physically do this alone.
OK, that was a total, babbling, rant of nonsense. LOL, sorry-it's what I do. Anyway, if I haven't confused the **** out of you, I hope you can try to understand what I'm trying to say. LOL-because I'm not even sure what I'm trying to say!