stkitt, you mentioned fibro fog, what actually is it? If this is the reason I feel so unmotived, what's the solution,is there one? Iforget a lot of things I thought that was fibro fog.
I just have such a hard time doing anything,I'm afraid it'll make me worst. Noise makes me nervous, and sometimes like now I just want to cry. I don't have many friends since I stay at home homeschool,and take care of the house(well tryto take care of the house) . I start a class next week just for myself but am affraid I'll not be strong. enough to go. Getting out of the house is sometimes to much sounds strange but I'm trying to be honest here.My son and his friend are now just goofing off and I feel like I'm going to lose it. This just makes every day things harder. He's hyper and so are his friends,they aren't bad kids just noisy. My understanding husband is starting to loose patience with me., and I'm crying now.I'm very angry at the desease, the anxity and the depression although the paxil seems to be working. Coming here seems to help a lot,I enjoy most of all checking in every morning. Sorry one question turned to a babble . Oh by the way what is a
dh I'm new at this computer stuff.