Hi, Sande, and welcome to the forum. I'm not sure if I've welcomed you before (fog) but I'm glad you are here!
I have carpal tunnel that comes and goes and carpal tunnel does include the thumb. I'm glad it didn't affect Chutzie's thumb because that really hurts! I had it so bad at one time that I barely could hold a pen. The pain can shoot up into your elbow! I just continued with my ibuprofen (with food) and Tylenol and babied the affected hand. It has gone away, for the most part but it will flare up occasionally.
Classic carpal tunnel usually affects the thumb, index finger, middle finger, and the inside of the ring finger. It doesn't have to affect all of these fingers at once, as Chutz said. Here is a link all about it from the National Institute of Health.
I hope this will answer your questions. If not, just ask! We are here to help you. Have a great day!