hey everyone. today I need to super vent.
I have been so so so busy lately....working almost 40 hours a week, going to school part time(why do all of my papers have to be due at the same time!?)....and buying a house...and the darn cats got fleas.....ahh!! I have been having more pain than ever. if I sit in any position for more than 10 min, I hurt. the tension/stress in my sholders and neck are so bad I feel like I can't sit up sometimes, and on top of thatm I have had a headache everyday for about 3 weeks.
yesterday we bought a new platform bed, which i was sooo happy about, we had been looking for one for soo long! it was fairly easy to put together...until we had to screw in the slats...no pre drilled holes...and for some silly reason I insisted on helping the hubby....would have been easy if we had a power drill...but we did it all by hand. yuck. my wrist feels broken.
annnnd. I am working 11 hours today.
annnd...buying ahouse is crazy! we applied for a rural development loan..with a great interest rate....and I have never had to jump through so many hoops in my life. every day there is somethting more/ new that they need from us...this goes on for weeks...and we finaly got ALLLL APROVED. and celebrated for one day...and then find out that they are at the end of their fiscal year...and we have to wait until funds are dispersed for the new year...AH! and we could be moving in as soon as 2 weeks? and it is drivng me crazy not knowing when we are going to move...plus, our apartment is being shown now, so I have to keep it clean. oh my gosh I need a break!
I know when this is all over, and I am in the new house, it will so so worth it...but why does everything have to happen all at once?? my body can't take it...and on top of that...I am way too young (23!?!?) to be saying things like my body can't take it! oh..did I add that in to everything? I am becoming a little upset at the amounts of pain I am experiencing. :(
sorry for the mega rant- I had to get it all out somewhere...and I know from experiece you all seem to have a way of making me feel better :)