Snowbird, welcome to the fibromyalgia forum! I'm sorry you are having so many problems. You do need to keep walking and doing light stretching exercises. If you sit or lay too much you will be stiff as a board and in more pain. Maybe you are doing too many exercises. You do have to be gentle to your body.
Check out the Fibro 101 thread...the second thread on the forum. You will fiind a lot of good info about fibro that may help you. There are links to the symptoms, gentle stretching exercises, etc.
I use ibuprofen, Tylenol, and malic acid/magnesium supplements for pain and fatigue. There is a link, in the Fibro 101 thread, all about the malic acid/magnesium supplements and how they work in the body. I started using these last December and they do help me a lot. They don't work for everyone but many members are having good success with them. Read all about them and see what you think.
In the Fibro 101 thread you will find a link to The Spoon Theory. This helps to explain to others about this miserable problem. Here is another link to something called A Letter From Fibromyalgia. This helps explain, too. But, don't be surprised if they still don't get it.
BUT, WE get it and understand where you are coming from so come here and vent and we will help you with your questions and help you to live a full and enjoyable life with fibro!
I'm so glad you joined us and I hope to hear more from you.