I figured I would provide an update. I havent been on much lately, I have been busy with school and stuff. So..here goes.
I started taking Paxil 6 weeks ago. I felt better after just 2 weeks, but I feel even more better now. I get so excited over every little thing because it feels SO new to me now! I feel more like me, like I used to...(a long time ago!) I have had a few downs, Im having trouble (still) comming to terms with the fibro thing. Its harder now because since I do feel better, happy, I want to do more things, but have realized that I cant. I realized that even carrying certain things, playing outside, still hurts. One thing in particular:
Some of you know I love dirt-bikes! I would totally race if I had a good one to do so. But, I dont have one. My brother got one, and my neighbor, and so everyone around me has something to ride. So, Im feeling left out a bit. But, the thing is, I have such a burning passion for riding. I am in no way scared or anything. Im crazy actually! Haha, not to mention, I have more skill them all of them put together! But, the other day I realized that it feels like the only thing I have left. Like, I had to quit playing sports because it hurt to much, I had to quit skating, playing basketball, volleyball, or tennis. I do these things occasionally, but its not the same. Riding comes so much more easier for me. I can still go fast and fly through the air. I can have fun. And my fibro doesnt slow me down. So, I have been really bummed that I dont have anything to ride.
But, my bum-ness hasnt been to bad. The other day I wanted to be mad and depressed and it was like this huge shield in my head saying NO! You cant be down anymore! haha Im loving it. I went to a party last weekend, and then spent the night at my brothers. I rarely spend the night with people. I get nervous and stuff. And I rarely go out, but I did. And I made plans for this weekend, something I havent ever really done before. I feel really good about doing things. And I feel more confident in myself. I get upset or sad about things, but its more normal like everyone has every now and then, ya know! So, Im so SO glad and I am praying that it lasts this time. I havent felt this good in such a VERY long time. Im bouncing off of walls again, being funny, being ME. I feel like I fell in a hole and landed on a rollercoaster a year and a half ago, but now I feel like the ride is over and I am stepping off a new person with a different view of things.
Wow, I just realized how this sounds, so corny! But hey, I cant help it! Well...I also kind of have a crush now also so... I have done a lot of searching for myself and even though I know this wont last, its been a long time since I had a crush on someone.
Anyways, just thought I owed you all an update. Wanted to let ya know I hadnt disappeared off of Earth! Take care!