I've been dealing with other health isssues the past few months (was diagnosed with Undifferentiated Spondylitis) and have been trying different medications. Nothing is helping at all so the rhuemy is just trying to work on the fibro for now.
I've been struggling a bit with dealing with all this. My lower back, hips and costo have been unbareable. My muscles keep knotting and not releasing. not sure what to do at this point. All the muscle relaxants keep me awake and make my HYPER. Valium worked good a couple of times but hasn't worked since.
My pain dr wants me to try a spinal cord stimulator. Now the idea of implanting this stuff in my body gives me the willies. my pharmacist thinks I should really look into it before doing it. I looked it up and it says it really only works on nerve pain and is only somewhat successful. But my TENS unit does help sometimes. Not sure what to do.
But anyway I just wanted to say hi again. I hope to be around more, even if it's only lurking. Some days I'm too tired to write anything that will make any sense.