Hey, there Hil323. I'm new here, too, and just diagnosed yesterday. I have found, in just a short period of time, that this is an extremely helpful place to turn to. As you have probably figured out by now, those that don't have FM can't understand it. That not only goes for family, but for the medical profession as well. I had a doctor tell me my problem was that as a work-outside-the-home mom, I was simply too stressed, and to learn to "de-stress" better.
Don't listen to your family. Or better, if you have a printer, please go to the Fibromyalgia 101 and Rescources link at the main page. I was directed there by one of the wonderful mods on here, and there is a link "Doctors Respond to New York Times article". It is so insightful and spot on-print that off and show it to your family. Those that don't believe it choose not to believe it, and you can't make them change. What you can do is change how you let them affect you. Just because they are family, doesn't mean you have to always like them, lol!
One of the pitfalls of our little problem is depression, so please don't ever feel alone. There are countless friends on here that will jump in at a moment's notice to help lift you up. I truly wish you the best of luck, and keep in touch.