hello everyone thanks to site i'm not the only suffering from FM. I was diagnosed with degenarate disc, herniated disc for two years now, this past few months, the pain more intense, and different parts of my body. take pain meds but nothing is working, i feel like i'm going crazy. I'll be doing dishes then i feel a twitch on eye, back legs. and my feet will get really hot, burning sensation on my shoulder. i dont know what the hell is going on, of course i blamed all on my back. so still keep myself active, and considering i have two kids i have to care for them. i still manage to go work m-f 8-5 and support my kids. husband and i split few months ago, what ever happend to better for worst. although i feel a lot relieved we are not together at least now i care for my self and my kids. Although a little hard on my situation, now i have one income and juggle work and home. Anyhow, a month ago saw the dr. complaining about all this, he diagnosed me with fibro and depression. what ever just give medicine that going to make feel happy and no pain. put me on cymbalta. the first day i tried i was up all nights. couldn't sleep my lower back was twitching all night, took somas, ambien, finally got some sleep didn't make it to work, felt grogy all day. So now i take it during the day but i don't think it's working still feel the pain through out the day and feels worms crawling in my head. has anyone taken anti-dep that's works.
any advice help thank you so much you guys are awesome.