How do you deal with family members who think that you are capable of working? My sister thinks I need to get a job, and I told my mom about
it, and I told her I wasn't able to work. And she was saying that I can, I just don't think that I can. And I am thinking to myself that I know that I can't because I can hardly keep up with housework and taking care of a baby. That is a full time job, and I am not doing too good at that right now.
It has been really hard dealing with my fibro lately. I don't know if it is the cold weather, or what. But I have been more tired than usual, and my pain is worse too. I feel like crap everyday, and I try to do what I can, but all I want to do is rest. Since my husband doesn't have a job right now, I can rest, but once he gets a job, I don't know what I am going to do. I am going to have to get used to doing a lot more than I normally do, and it is hard.
There is a woman at my mom's daycare who has fibro as well, and she works. So my mom thinks that I can work too. Every case of fibro is different. Some people go through worse symptoms than others. And some have better meds to help them with the pain. There are a lot of reasons why some people are able to work with fibro while others can't. And it seems that she can't see that. I just don't know what to do about it all.
But, anyways. I have to cut this short. I hope to hear from you all on some advice or just some comforting words.