Hi Schutzhund,
Wow, did you ever post this at the right time! I just had major abdominal surgery 3 1/2 weeks ago. I had a hysterectomy with the uterus, cervix and fallopian tubes taken. It's a big time surgery. My expected recovery time is 2 months. I can't do much of anything yet.
I was afraid my fibro would become a demon. But it hasn't! It's no worse than before I had my surgery. It might even be a bit better acutally. I have a clearer head, lol.
I made sure that my surgeon, and anesthetist knew about my fibro and I made sure that I was put on the operating table with my neck and head in a supportive spot, that my arms were kept as close to my body as possible ( to avoid shoulder pain), and to give me additional pain medication BEFORE the surgery was started. I also had a PCA (patient controlled analgesic) so that I could just hit the button and pain meds would be delivered by IV. No waiting for pills to take effect, etc. I got instant pain relief when I needed it. I didn't need it very much! I was shocked by how I did. I didn't even go home with any narcotics. I just took extra strength Tylenol.
Considering the length of your surgery, I would be adament about putting your neck into a brace. And making sure your lower back is supported somehow. And the pre surgery pain meds, post surgery PCA.
I think you'll do great! How exciting to be having this done. You've waited a long time. I'm doing fantastic and I have no regrets about my surgery. If you want to email me, just click on my name. My email address is there.
Do you know when the surgery is, or have they given you an approximate? Oh, just so you know, I was flaring BAD when I had my surgery. I was worried. Truly. But everything was great!