Hello there! I have experienced this as well, the racy heartbeat, felt it only a few times ever in my eyes, but in my head I have pretty many times.. I used to be very iron-deficient as well, but not for a few years I believe.. I was just checked a bit ago and they said everything looked great. All I changed was that I take a women's one-a-day daily with 100% iron in it, and I also eat lots and lots of broccoli (not everyone's favorite food I know, but, I love it!
), nuts, and whole grains like cereals, rice, & pasta's.. all rich in iron!
I also have a lot of vision problems as of recently.. plan on talking to my rheumy about it when I go next week. I think it is related to the Fibro..
21 years old
Fibromyalgia, Bipolar Disorder, OCD, Irrational fears