Thank-you Patti, and all: I guess looking at it realistically, unless I am willing to go the whole mobile home (mini home) route, that a travel trailer is unrealistic. Sometimes I go off on these tangents, that upon significant reflection, ultimately get chalked up to a crazy idea, due to beiing under so much stress for so long. I am looking for an easy way out. I need to come to terms with Fibro, possibly some other disorder, symptoms are changing, like morphing into something more pervasive. I am experiencing weakness in arms and legs, falling down a lot, horrific headaches, weird muscle twitches and spasms. It could just be a flair. It just seems the stress is all present and all pervasive. Two elderly folks needing constant care, constant care of their business and finances, drives to aand from appointments, foot care, ambulances, etc. I am bending under the strain and don't know how flexible I am anymore. I feel so worn out right now.