As I have said before a bazillion times, the hubby and I lost our health insurance when we moved from VA to NY as we were 'out of network'. Got to NY and the premiums for new policies for folks our age were outrageous. We still have a 'catastrophic policy' that will cover us if we get his by a bus at high noon headed south on the NYS Thru Way in a red car. You know what I mean, but even it is $500 a month. Anyway, one of the Universities my hubby teaches for sent us info that they will offer health benefits to on-line professors in June or July. The memo said they don't know what the cost will be yet as they are trying to get eveyone in a 'group'.
I have been in the god awful flair since November. Hubby keeps telling me to go to the doc and see if there is something else he can give me for the pain...I'm allergic to almost everything. All I can take at the moment is Tylenol. My problem is that I'm afraid if I go and he starts with all the blood work and scans and we try to get this health insurance in a few months, it will make us ineligable or the premiums will be so high we won't be able to afford it because they will see how many disorders I already have.
The Rheumy I go to now is NOT the one who dx'd me with fibro. He is also a tennis buddy of my husband and has been giving me samples of all the meds I am on so I don't know if that will show up when we apply for the insurance. He hardly charges me anything for an office visit but has no control over the tests he might want to run before he starts prescribing something for the pain. You make sure 'nothing else is going on' or my disc compression discs are giving me some of this pain.
When we got insurance before, health issues were never a problem because neither hubby or I were on any prescription meds. So here I sit, in agony every single day wondering if I should just go and take my chances. I know Doc's have to document every thing. We are too old to be without health insurance(in our early 60's). Too old to insure, according to all the companies I have contacted. (unless we can afford $1800 a month, which we can't).
Sorry I am rambling, but this is really upsetting me. I keep thinking about how all my boys and my grandchildren are coming in July and I won't be able to even pick up Isabel who is 9 months old. How I only see them once or twice a year due to distance.
If you were me, would you just go to the doc and take the chance that they will insure me?
I have picked up the phone twice this morning...then put it back down. Doc is playing tennis today with cool would that be if I went to the court and just asked him what I can do???
Sorry this is so long. Maybe some of you have had more interaction with insurance companies and know how they work better than I do. I might be over reacting???? Never in my life would I have ever believed I would be looking forward to being on Medicare!
huggies and pampers too