Hi Kim, welcome to the forum!
I am from NO too. I move to Baton Rouge at 17. I still have lots of family there. I am living in Canada now, but plan on moving back to BR some time.
I am sorry to hear you are having problems with your coworkers and boyfriend. Taking your boyfriend to a Dr. appointment is a great idea. It made a huge difference with my husband. As for your co workers, if you can't get them to go on the internet with you maybe you can print out something for them to read. I know it is hard but don't give up. Education is our best tool. I am sure you are still learning a lot yourself. There will always be people out there that don't understand or don't care to understand. My family (mother, brother and sister) still doesn't really acknowlegde I have FM. Every time I tell them I am hurting (which I try to avoid doing)they ask why. So I explain it. Then, the next time it comes up with them, they ask all over again. Meaning they totally dismissed it and did not listen to me. I just carry on.
I hope they come to understand. I hope you have people in your life that will support you. I know you will find support here. Just remeber there will always be those idiots out there.