Hi, Lilly, and welcome! I'm sorry you are having such horrible problems. Fibromyalgia and get pretty miserable at times but maybe we can help you some.
I, too, take ibuprofen with food and extra strength Tylenol for pain. Be sure to take your ibuprofen (Motrin) with food because it can bother your stomach. I take malic acid/magnesium supplements and vitamin D for pain and fatigue, also. Many with fibro are deficient in these things. I live in Florida and never in my wildest dreams did I think I could be deficient in vitamin D, but I am. I am presently taking 3,500 IU of D3 a day to try to get me in the normal range. So, ask your doctor about these.
Be sure to check out the Fibro 101 thread...the second thread on the forum. There are links to good information about fibromyalgia and you can learn a lot there. There is a link all about the malic acid/magnesium supplements and how they work in your body. There is also a link to good stretching exercises that are done sitting down and they do help.
Moist heat is good for fibro. Hot showers or baths feel great. Many use a Bed Buddy. You can get these at Walgreen's and other places or you can make your own. Take a tube sock,fill it 2/3's full of raw long grain rice, and tie a knot at the end. Pop this in the microwave and it gives of moist heat due to the moisture in the rice.
It is important to keep moving as much as possible. I know it is hard for you now but you should get better at moving the more you do it. Light exercise is very good for fibro. My choice of exercise is walking. When I started, I couldn't walk very far but I kept trying. I now walk my dog for one mile each morning. It does make you feel better but, in the condition you described you are in, start out slowly and build yourself up. If you sit or lay too long you will be stiff as a board.
Meanwhile, read back post and ask questions. We are here to help you. I'm so glad you found us and joined in. I hope to hear more from you soon.