Well, I held my ground, but hit a wall with the doc. He had a look of pure disdain on his face, after I waited an hour to see him, I had six things on my list and some literature for him, about
Fibro. After the second question, he looked at me and said "do you have anything else on that list?"Like I was a naughty child taking to many
cookies from the jar. When I described tumbling backwards out of the bath, falling on the floor and hitting my head on the door, I said, I've had neck and sciatica pain since. He said ÿour sciatic nerve is nowhere near your neck". Well, since our BR is tinty, I explained, I hit my back on the toilet on the way down. He just stared. Thenhe oblidgingly took my bloodpressure which was high, refused me the muscle relaxers I asked for, and refused any further help with the pain. There was smoke coming out of my ears as I left. At least, this time, I didn't leave in tears, but it kind of summed up the whole issue for me. I need a new doc. He seems to consider me a hypochondriac, junkie. So, I need to contact the Fibro Group in this area and find a doc who is a believer. This gets so tiresome, dealing with his disdain and the pain and fatique and frustration of not being able to get things done. then to top it all off, I return home to a moping 22 year old, who is complaining about
being bored as I spend my last funds on dinner for us. He's off to see some girl, says he'll be back on the weekend to help me with a flea market, but hesitantly, as he says it makes no sense to sell belongings which cost more originally, than I'll ever get for them. Where do you think the money for your car, cell phone, gas, and food and internet, and free lodging comes from, son? So as most 22 years olds, I guess he thinks I have a money tree in the backyard. Thento top it all off, I misplaced my cell phone, left it in a gas station washroom right after my most unpleasant doctor's visit. I didn't even bother to give the doc the info on Fibro, he's made up his mind, there's no educating him. I will have to find a doc who treats Fibro. I feel like I'm trying to patch together a quilt, from fabric well past it's expiry date. Anyhow, there's always tomorrow. Thank-you all.