I was a member here at HealingWell years ago, but haven't been here for a long, long time. I finally decided to crawl out of my hole and post! It's getting harder and harder to communicate with anyone, the fibro is just winning this war I think.
The last three weeks I've been in a flare that is the worst I've ever had. I can't get out. Nothing has worked to give me any relief. Normally, I can use all the "help" methods to relieve it some, but this keeps getting worse. I even went out for an accupressure book and poked all over myself trying to find trigger points to release tense muscles. I don't recommend this with fibro unless you can find those points easily... I was sooo sore after trying it.
Everything in my body is suddenly on fire. This constant burning pain that feels like a horrible sunburn in my muscles. I've started getting tension headaches everyday, and that never happened before. My eyes don't want to focus right, maybe the muscle tension. I'm having to have my family repeat almost everything they say to me, I just don't "get it" the first time. And my family is about all I talk to.. my personality dove into hiding with this flare. I've been diagnosed with fibro for five years now, and have never ever felt like this. Pain, "brain fog", muscle tension... I've had it all pretty constantly.. but nothing to this extreme. It's getting difficult to move.
My question is.. is this normal? I know fibro can flare badly, and I've read stories of how people just get slammed with it.. but I went to bed fibro "normal" and woke up fibro "extreme". I'm scared that I will be at this level for the rest of my life.
Any advice?