SleepyBug I feel for you, I really do... Its hard having pain when trying to hold a baby. With a 1yr old and 3yr old it hurts on so many different levels when you think about
how much it kills you to hold them. But you gotta do it anyway, especially me lol I am a HUGE snuggler...
Marlee you are dead on about the Boppy!!! It saved my life when my girls were babies, all I did was sit down and let the pillow do all the work, the only thing I had to do was make sure they did not roll off lol
WCC, dont be afraid to have children. Children make us do amazing things, we can even pick up a car if our child is in danger lol
Things wont be smooth and easy, but they will be worth it. I was diagnosed a few years before I had my girls, and I want 2 boys too lol (hubby gave me a "trying time" as he called it last night, 10 months!!! I called him carzy becuase our littliest is just 13 months! lol) I think pregnancies are harder, just because of our bodies, and my friend who also has fibro had some of the complications I did... High blood pressure (no meds needed just a reduction in how many hours I worked and stuff), the tingling we get was a little worse when we were farther along, the strees we are normally under made our moodswings a tad bit harder to handle. From the outside were just like any other hormonal, fire breathing, heat flash having, crying, waddelling mother hens...
The hardest part for me was when my hubby started calling me his "Old Lady" becuase I walked like I was 80 lol
Oh, and birth was amazing, thanks to the epidural lol