The botox injections have put my neck in severe pain. It has been 11 days and it is still very bad. I tried to take it easy today, but had problems with research data. Went to a meeting 2 hour round trip drive. came home and picked tomatoes from my garden. bending over while holding my own head up has done me in. This is because of the botox, somehow. I have had this problem ever since. My neck and shoulders are in spasms.
I am in a lot of pain. Tomorrow is the interview. If I am in pain, I will be in fog. If I take oxycodone, I fear being in a drug hangover tomorrow. Tramadol and motrin don't touch the pain. I had the same problem saturday night. I am going to take a half an oxycodone now so it will wear off by morning; and drink coffee tomorrow to help with that.
Please pray. I cannot blow this interview tomorrow.