Summer is my worst time of year for fibromyalgia. The heat and rains do me in. I don't live up north so I don't have to deal with the extreme cold weather. But, we are hearing many people having a rough summer.
But, hang in there. You will feel better when this lets up, I think. I have found that fibro waxes and wanes. I can be totally miserable and then wake up one day and feel so much better! I'm never without pain but as long as I have some control over it, I can do fine with fibro. You will learn how to do this. Just listen to your body.
I'm sure you will be discussing things with your doctor next month. Make a list now, when question arise in your mind. You'll never remember them when it comes time for your appointment. Perhaps the meds you are on aren't the right ones for you. So many of our medications have bad side affect. That's one of the reasons I don't take them. I've learned how to control the pain through over-the-counter pain meds, supplements and nutrients, exercise, and rest.
I do hope you are feeling much better soon. I know I'd be lost if I didn't know how to use the computer! It would be a very lonely life.