Well...I have written about
my obsessive neighbors before but now I am ready to get out the pepper spray. It has been a very cool and rainy summer here...have only had to have the AC on about
three times. These people get up and mow their lawn somewhere between 7 and 8 in the morning every other day...weed eaters, hedge trimmers...their lawn is about
1/4" tall. He mows in the rain...wind...doesn't matter. My windows are
open and I am jolted awake by all this equipment at the crack of dawn about
four times a week. Then...she goes in the house and runs her central vac and the unit is outside so I hear the roaring of that for about
an hour. Now mind you, I have lost 60% of my hearing due to Meniere's disease so that gives some indication on how loud it is. I even tried ear plugs and my Monster Tractor Store Noise Blocking Head phones but they are too uncomfortable to sleep with. Today, he is on a ladder cleaning his shutters with a tooth brush. I swear I can hear the grit grinding.
Because my pain is worse at night, it's usually about two or three o'clock before I fall asleep.
Maybe one of you could go to their house and tell them you are from the Department of Noise Pollution Control and there is a federal law stating no lawn mowing before ten o'clock in the morning. There's a nice bing fat pan of brownies in it for you...or a case of Molson's...your choice. Oh, and make sure you throw down a tarp before you pull into his driveway. He doesn't like tire tacks on the black top and goes at those with a power washer about once a week.