Hi, Susan, and welcome! Oh, I sure do know what you are going through. It's so difficult when you have children. I was nearly 40 when I came down with fibro but I have other illnesses that made it so I couldn't be the type of Mom I wanted to be. But, you know what? Your children really do understand and you can spend quality time with them, even with fibro.
I have never gone the narcotic route because my doctor told me that you usually need more and more medication to get the same results as when you first started. I didn't want to do that. I do have Vicodin in my medicine cabinet just in case I need it but I've never taken any yet. That's because I know that the pain will wax and wane.
I hope you are moving around. If you sit or lay too long, you will be stiff as a board and your pain will be worse. Believe it or not, light exercise helps fibromyalgia! I know, when all your muscles, tendons, and ligaments are screaming at you, the last thing you think you need is exercise, but it really does help! I walk. That's my form of exercise. When I started out, I only could go a few houses down but now I can walk my dog a mile every morning. Actually I could do that several times a day, and I do in the winter time. I live in Florida and it's too hot in the summer for both me and my dog. If you have access to a pool, swimming is another great exercise for fibromyalgia.
You need to start out slowly. Every day you will see that you can do more. You will have pain but it should get a little easier for you. When you see that you can do more that will help your frame of mind. Right now you are sooo depressed. I can read it in your post. Having chronic pain is depressing. But, with effort and our cheering you on, I think we can help you have a fulfilling and enjoyable life in spite of fibromyalgia.
I take malic acid/magnesium supplements and vitamin D3 for pain and fatigue. These have helped me. They don't help everyone but it's worth a shot. Many with fibro are deficient in these vitamins and nutrients and that can cause extra pain and fatigue.
I am not pain-free and I don't expect to ever be pain free. I totally and completely accepted this illness. I know the doctors don't know what is causing this so there really isn't a lot out there to help us. But, I have found ways to help control my pain and work around fibromyalgia to live the life I want to live. I refuse to let fibro pull me down. Others have done that, too, and we all share our ideas. You will learn how to control the pain, too. Just get ticked at fibro and take control of your life. Right now, fibro is controlling you. We are here to help.
Be sure to check out the Fibro 101 thread...the first thread on the forum. There are links to good information about fibromyalgia, including links about malic acid/magnesium and vitamin D3 and how they work in your body. You will learn a lot there. Also, read back posts. There is a world of information in them. Don't hesitate to ask questions, either. We are here to help you!
I'm so glad you found us and joined in. We have a great group of people who love to help one another and, as a bonus, we really do care about each other, too. So, put a smile on that face. I think this might be just the beginning of your feeling better.
By the way, here is a link to doctors that work with fibromyalgia patients. See if one is near you.