Sherrine is right. There comes a time when you just have to learn to say "NO".
My mom & I have discussed this many times because I have 2 sisters who are the same way. It does not bother them to ask mom for money or to have her do things for them. Yet they are both in their 30's and capable of getting their butts up to work and take care of themselves.
Sometimes it is hard to realize that you & the rest of the family are allowing him to be this way. By doing everything he asks or catering to him, you are making it easy for him to never change. Change your ways & he will have to change his ways! It may sound very cruel & he may not like it much, but in the long run it will better all of your lives!
Good luck & get your husband on board to help make the changes. I guarantee that everyone, including your son will be much happier when he learns to take care of himself!!
good luck & hugs!